Monday, October 27, 2008

Labour weekend- Aspiring attempt.

I was going to climb Aspiring by the SW ridge from French ridge hut with Malcom Brown
Aaron was going to try the south face with Rupert and Dave.
We walked into Aspiring hut on Friday night and looking through the hut book saw Mum and dad's entry from earlier in the month as well as Dad & co from their February trip.
Saturday we did the steep walk up to french ridge hut and relaxed.

aaron outside french ridge hut

Sunday we woke at 2 am it was snowing
We woke at 4 am it was snowing.
We would no longer have enough time for an Aspiring attempt.
we woke again at 7 ish it was still snowing but clearing at 8 as Malcom and I set off from the hut it was a blue sky day.
We went up the quarter deck to the bonar glacier, climbed Mt french and then crossed the glacier to look down the immense ( 1km straight down) steep face near the east face of popes nose.

my climbing partner malcom celebrating at the summit of Mt French

South face of Aspiring and Popes nose (right side)
Aaron, Rupert and Dave crossed under South face to popes nose and back.

Aaron and I (10 years together this weekend) with Aspiring SW ridge in Background

October riding

We went for an absolutely amazing ride in perfect weather. We parked at 1 mile rode on the road out to arthur's point, along the moonlight trail, Picniced by Moke lake, rode along Moke lake and Lake Dispute.On the last bit down to 7 Mile /Wilson's bay I fell off a couple of times, we went through the forest at 7 mile then back on the road to 1 mile and the car. i didn't take the camera.

The following weekend we went for another ride We went from Skippers saddle up Mt Dewar, down Devils creek. To the Coronet peak road.

Aaron with his bike at a nice lookout

riding down the track

Crossing Devils creek

Crossing a stile

October- climbing

We went mountain biking and climbing quite a bit. we also largely forgot the camera.
The Canadian's I met up north came to visit a day each weekend and we climbed together.
Again no photo's of Robin as she only came one day and was again the photographer that day

Robins photo of climbing on the proud monkey roof

Adam on Don't be decieved and he wasn't.( I was a bit disappointed as he says he's bad at route finding.)

Adam on Bigger than big

Mummy and daddy come to visit

We had a nice time with my parents, they went hiking a bit ( Aspiring hut), we all drank far too much wine. We went up to Wye creek where we go climbing and dad gave it a go.

Dad on Windy September 15

Mum up Wye

Mid september

I had a work trip up the North Island and went back to my old haunt of Froggat edge for a couple of days climbing. I was really luck to find Partners. Day 1 I climbed with Canadians Robin and Adam and day 2 with an Aucklander. Thanks for the Photo's Robin

Adam belaying. Robin was the photographer so no photo's of her unfortunately

Daddy long legs

I took my first fall of the season on Bring your daughter to the slaughter the following day

Monsterpeice theatre

weekend Aug 30

Simon came to stay as well as Auckland friends Tom, Muz etc all coming down for some skiing.

We went for a tour

Sally, Aaron, Tom and Simon at the bottom

Sally getting set up

Skinning back up
The photo's of touring are from muz

The following day did some climbing at Wye creek with simon.We repeated some climbs he had put up in the past

Simon belaying at Wye creek.

The boys had us over for Dinner and it was really good catching up. Steve, Em, and little Sam came as well.

Monday, August 25, 2008


The last couple of weekends have been all about snowboarding.
A few awesome days on the field at Remarks with the lovely Amber as well as Some touring. It has been alot of fun bumping into friends out there and doing a run or 2 together. Especially seeing Little Ursula aged 3 at the top of the big chairlift...Go little racer girl!

Ursula and Anna on the field. Ursula was saying" go fast Anna"

Our touring tracks

Lp chilling out

The long days are starting and spring is just around the corner. I am so Glad that Daylight savings is 2 weeks earlier now....Thankyou Helen.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wye creek ice again

we went over to the Ice again on Saturday. There were 3 girls there 2nd time in a row!

Melanie Heather and Me. Thanks for the Photo's Mel.
Lots of Dunedin and Wanaka people.

Aaron had a go at the mixed route he bolted last time. The easy looking crack at the top is slanted so unless you keep the tools just so you slide out....and he did! The crux was getting on the ice but I imagine that that will be easier other seasons as in old photo's the pillar looks much more established. he didn't do it clean so you willl have to suffer through even more ice blogs.
Aaron reaching out to the ice from the crack on his new route

I had my first go at drytooling. I could hold the position OK but traversing, and the weight transitions involved, was very difficult. I was scared on top rope so credit to Aaron for his attempts. I pulled hard and have been pretty sore this week. Luckily I am entertained by the olympics so sitting around on the couch isn't too bad.

The weekend before we did a vertical rope rescue course for The rescue team. It was pretty interesting. But Long days.

Aaron has finally finished the Job he has been on for 18 months and we had a party there on Sunday night which was really nice. I don't usually get to see the houses once they are all finished and furnished.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

camping in the ice

we spent Saturday night at the ice. Paul, Anna, Lionel, and Pete were out there and we had dinner with them in their nice big tent so it was very civilised. I did lead like i wanted so I was stoked at that.

It is great to be back at home again now...Chairs are so COMFY!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wye creek Ice 19/07

On Saturday e headed over to the ice again, this time with Tony Burnell.

Tony on Iron curtain
Since Aaron didn't climb Last time we again started with iron curtain then we climbed a more fragile line to the left that looked cool as we lowered off.

Aaron through the curtain
Aaron then led the central pillar which had some really cool bumpy features and was a bit tricky to protect because of that. REALLY fun climbing though.

Aaron wondering if that bump will stay when he stands on it

Sally on Central Pillar
I felt like I got into the swing of it was much more relaxed and Smart than last week so next time I'll bust out a lead I think.

On sunday went for a wee snowboard up Remarks with Amber and Nick

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Sat was a big day with the morning snowboarding for me and the both of us going to the indoor climbing wall in the afternoon.
finally on Sunday the weather was Good and we got to go Icce climbing( or Rather I did)
It is a 2-3 hour walk in we arrived at the ice and Aaron slipped over and landed on a rock. He has a sore butt/hip/back. He was experiencing shooting pains and was unable to climb
Rupert lead The iron curtain and Dave and I had a toprope.
Rupert leading
sally on toprope
dave on toprope
Then Aaron and I started out and left the boys to it.Luckily although sore a couple of neurofen and keeping moving slowly saw Aarons injury improve.
Aaron on his split board
Sally on snowshoes
It was really good to get out on the Ice and we can't wait to get back out there!

And down came the snow

last weekend It snowed! there was about 30cm everywhere right down to the lake.

Chains on to get out of the garage in the morning
The mountain was closed when we got there so we went to Town for coffee with friends.

Aaron on the street in town
Then home to play in the snow.

I made a snowman..all blacks supporter of course.

Only a man would think of this!
Later when the road opened Aaron went skitouring on the ski field.

Toring at coronet.Almost at the top
The Sunday we went over to the Film festival and After had a really nice meal at Missy's with Judith and Philip( thanks!)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

quick up date

Friday wewent to the Winter Festival fireworks
Another day snowboarding last sat. We watched the Bikes on snow race as well we sat by some corners to watch the crashes.
Sunday we did some helicopter training with search and rescue.

This weekend it is the Wanaka mountain Film festival, so we'll be there.

Generally very wintery, so lots of time spent indoors by the fire.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mixing it up

Rupert on the way up( pitch 3)

Rupert at the summit

Aaron and Rupert have done a new mixed line on the West face of Double cone, Remarkables: to the Left of their line Ikon from last year.
They described it as "hard, scary, and awesome"

8 pitches, M6 340m (100m of which is M6)
Name not quite decided yet

I'll get him to edit this but by all accounts lots of M6 ground( pitches 2, 3, and 4), and run out in some places.( I'm glad I wasn't there)
Body chimneys, offwidths and that's only pitch 2!
New snow made the approach and descent slow going and they left the house at 7 and returned at 11pm. I think about 7 hrs only were on the route however. Either way Aaron was extremely tired when he finally made it in the door, and hardly left the couch for 24hrs

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Coronet Peak opens

Sally on Coronet taken by Nigel Burtwell
Opening day we went up Coronet Peak with Nigel who had come down from Auckland and Tony
Tony was on his first day since '92 and Nigel was back on ski's after 12 years boarding. They did really well and after a couple of runs we were whipping along. The queues were quite long so Aaron and I took off at lunch time and left the boys to it

Sunday, May 25, 2008

first day of the season

After alot (60cm) of snow in the last 48 hours we decided to hike up coronet peak for a snowboard
Aaron had touring gear but I had to snowshoe and he carried by board most the way...that's true love! i made him desert for payback.

Coming down the snow was really thick

Sometimes so thick you completely stopped and had to walk!

aaron and the view.
hard work but good to be up the mountain, and getting the legs going

Gold Coast

we wandered back from surfers to Pacific fair and on to nanny's one day.

Aaron enjoyedthe 'View' at sufers!
I went for a body surf it's great to get in the Ocean for a change

me near broadbeach?

aaron bought a couple of raffle tickets for this Shelby as both he and LP talk about them at work

Thai restaurant on the last night

With really cool furniture!