Sunday, July 27, 2008

camping in the ice

we spent Saturday night at the ice. Paul, Anna, Lionel, and Pete were out there and we had dinner with them in their nice big tent so it was very civilised. I did lead like i wanted so I was stoked at that.

It is great to be back at home again now...Chairs are so COMFY!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wye creek Ice 19/07

On Saturday e headed over to the ice again, this time with Tony Burnell.

Tony on Iron curtain
Since Aaron didn't climb Last time we again started with iron curtain then we climbed a more fragile line to the left that looked cool as we lowered off.

Aaron through the curtain
Aaron then led the central pillar which had some really cool bumpy features and was a bit tricky to protect because of that. REALLY fun climbing though.

Aaron wondering if that bump will stay when he stands on it

Sally on Central Pillar
I felt like I got into the swing of it was much more relaxed and Smart than last week so next time I'll bust out a lead I think.

On sunday went for a wee snowboard up Remarks with Amber and Nick

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Sat was a big day with the morning snowboarding for me and the both of us going to the indoor climbing wall in the afternoon.
finally on Sunday the weather was Good and we got to go Icce climbing( or Rather I did)
It is a 2-3 hour walk in we arrived at the ice and Aaron slipped over and landed on a rock. He has a sore butt/hip/back. He was experiencing shooting pains and was unable to climb
Rupert lead The iron curtain and Dave and I had a toprope.
Rupert leading
sally on toprope
dave on toprope
Then Aaron and I started out and left the boys to it.Luckily although sore a couple of neurofen and keeping moving slowly saw Aarons injury improve.
Aaron on his split board
Sally on snowshoes
It was really good to get out on the Ice and we can't wait to get back out there!

And down came the snow

last weekend It snowed! there was about 30cm everywhere right down to the lake.

Chains on to get out of the garage in the morning
The mountain was closed when we got there so we went to Town for coffee with friends.

Aaron on the street in town
Then home to play in the snow.

I made a snowman..all blacks supporter of course.

Only a man would think of this!
Later when the road opened Aaron went skitouring on the ski field.

Toring at coronet.Almost at the top
The Sunday we went over to the Film festival and After had a really nice meal at Missy's with Judith and Philip( thanks!)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

quick up date

Friday wewent to the Winter Festival fireworks
Another day snowboarding last sat. We watched the Bikes on snow race as well we sat by some corners to watch the crashes.
Sunday we did some helicopter training with search and rescue.

This weekend it is the Wanaka mountain Film festival, so we'll be there.

Generally very wintery, so lots of time spent indoors by the fire.